First Baptist VBS 2025

Volunteer to Serve at VBS 2025!

We have a spot for everyone to serve at Vacation Bible School. Fill out the form below!

Serve at VBS 2025! →

Discovering the Bigness of God MAGNIFIED in the Smallest of Things!

Kids will learn more about the greatness of God magnified through the beauty of His creation. Each day, kids will learn that God made us, cares about us, loves us, forgives us, and is faithful to keep all His promises to us.

Registration opens on May 1, 2025!

Proclaim the Lord's greatness with me; let us exalt His name together.

—Psalm 34:3

VBS 2025 is June 23-27 for children who have completed K-4 (rising kindergarten) through completed sixth grade. VBS begins at 8:30 a.m. and ends at 12:00 p.m. daily. 

Daily arrival and dismissal: Completed K-4 through completed kindergarten kids arrive each day at the Preschool Ministry entrance. These kids will dismiss from the Chapel. It is best for you to enter at the Third Street office entrance to enter the dismissal line. 

Completed first grade through sixth grade will arrive each day at the Worship Center. On the first day, please enter through the main Worship Center entrance on Third Street. You will be given your child’s group and teacher name. Your child will sit with this group every morning. For dismissal, you can enter dismissal lines at the main Worship Center entrance or at the back Worship Center entrance on the organ side. Dismissal begins at 12:00 p.m. You’ll be amazed at how quick it goes!

If you pre-register, you’ll receive an email prior to VBS for reminder instructions on dropping off and picking up.

Magnified Daily Lessons


Magnify God

Bible Story: Jesus and the Children

Bible Reference: John 1:1-1, 12; Mark 10:13-16

The Big Truth: God created everything there is, and yet He still wants to spend time with me.


Magnify God's Care

Bible Story: Jesus Calmed the Storm

Bible Reference: Mark 4:1, 35-41

The Big Truth: God keeps the whole universe going, and yet He still cares about what's happening to me.


Magnify God's Love

Bible Story: The Woman at the Well

Bible Reference: John 4:1-42

The Big Truth: God is not OK with sin, and yet He still loves sinners like me.


Magnify God's Forgiveness

Bible Story: Jesus and Nicodemus

Bible Reference: John 3:1-21, 18-20; 1 Corinthians 15:6

The Big Truth: Jesus came to save the world, and that includes me.


Magnify God's Faithfulness

Bible Story: Jesus Taught about Worry

Bible Reference: Matthew 6:25-34

The Big Truth: God is faithful with the small things too.

Be sent on mission!

Missions emphasis COMING SOON!


  • What age does my child have to be in order to participate?

    Your child must be 5 years old ( on or before September 1, 2025) through completed sixth grade in order to participate. 

  • Can I volunteer with VBS even if I am not a member of FBCP?

    Upon completion of a background check and volunteer application plus an in-person interview with a FBCP staff member, you can assist with VBS. FBCP staff will help determine the best place for you to serve. If you are interested in serving with preschool to kindergarten age children, please contact Julie Parmer. If you are interested in serving with 1st-6th grade kids, please contact Anna Stockman.

  • How do you handle allergies and medical needs?

    We are extremely dedicated to making VBS a safe and fun environment for all kids! We take seriously the medical needs of kids, including those with allergies. First, upon registering your child, you’ll be able to notify us of the allergies. Please provide specific details. The more we know, the better we can serve your child. We also have allergy friendly snacks available. 

    We also have a dedicated nurse’s station where your child will be escorted by a leader if medicine is to be administered. The nurse’s station is equipped with all First-Aid items.

    Children's Snack Menu

    Preschool Snack Menu

  • Where do I drop off and pick up my child each day?

    For children kindergarten and under, please arrive each day at the Preschool entrance located at the back of campus. You will check-in tables. 

    Once your child is checked in, you will be directed to his/her class. To pick up each day, please come to the 3rd Street Office Entrance. You will wait in the main hallway leading to the Chapel, and your child will be dismissed to you. 

    For kids first through sixth grade, please arrive in the Worship Center foyer (main entrance) located on 3rd Street. You will check in your child and then be escorted into the Worship Center for your child to sit with his/her class. 

    To pick up each day, please come to either (1) the foyer of the Worship Center or (2) the back of the Worship Center to enter dismissal lines. You’ll be amazed how quickly the lines move!

T-shirts are available now! You can purchase a shirt for your child for $15. Sizes range from Youth XXS – Adult S. Cash, check and card are accepted.

What are you waiting for? Sign up today!

Pre-registering your child will make check in quicker on the first day of VBS. However, pre-registration is not required in order to attend. You can register any day of the VBS week!

We’d love to help you with any VBS questions! Contact Anna Stockman if your question is related to first-sixth grade kids. Contact Julie Parmer if your question is related to K-4-kindergarten kids.

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