9:30 AM | Room AE 214
11:00 AM | Worship Center
Our deaf friends are seated in the front section on the floor level.
Join us for a time of fellowship and to learn from our guest speaker, Pastor Steve Dye. The theme for the event is Connect, Encourage and Build. Lunch will be provided. Childcare is available upon registration.
Date: Saturday, March 1
Time: 11 AM
Location: Chapel at First Baptist Prattville
Designed to help our hearing members gain a greater knowledge and appreciation of deaf culture and language.
Wednesdays | 6-7 PM | Room 113
*Space is Limited. If full, you will be directed to a waiting list.
* More details to come soon
Deaf Missions is a ministry that has many helpful resources including devotionals and the ASLV Bible. Visit their website to view resources and to download the Deaf Missions app.