First Baptist Preschool

& Kindergarten

First Baptist Preschool

& Kindergarten


Our purpose at First Baptist Preschool and Kindergarten is to provide a caring environment for your preschool or kindergarten child to experience God's love while pursuing specific social, academic and spiritual goals. It is our desire that each child develops at his own pace and be appreciated for his own unique gifts. We work to provide a strong foundation that will encourage a life-long love of the Lord and learning.


The curriculum is carefully chosen to provide your child with growth opportunities.

  • Kindergarten uses Scott Foresman, Heggerty (phonemic awareness), and The Wright Skills and Open Court Reading by McGraw Hill; enVision Mathematics and Harcourt Math
  • K-4 uses Frog Street Excel Pre-K and Heggerty (phonemic awareness)
  • K-3 uses Frog Street Threes


Each child attends music class two times a week. Our music teacher provides Christian,

curriculum-related, fun through seasonal songs and activities. The children are exposed to many musical concepts.


Our purpose at First Baptist Preschool and Kindergarten is to provide a caring environment for your preschool or kindergarten child to experience God's love while pursuing specific social, academic and spiritual goals. It is our desire that each child develops at his own pace and be appreciated for his own unique gifts. We work to provide a strong foundation that will encourage a life-long love of learning and later success in school. 


The curriculum is carefully chosen to provide your child with growth opportunities.

  • Kindergarten uses the Scott Foresman Language Arts curriculum, The Wright Skills (phonics) and the Harcourt Math curriculum. 
  • K-4 uses Frog Street Pre-K
  • K-3 uses Frog Street Threes


Each child attends music class two times a week. Our music teacher provides Christian,

curriculum-related, fun through seasonal songs and activities. The children are exposed to many musical concepts.

"...we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders he has done."

Psalm 78:4


If you have questions about the FBPK program or registering your child, contact FBPK Director Heather Jolley.

Registration for the 2024-2025 year is open.

Registration Cost, Tuition and Supplies

  • Registration

    A $75 registration fee is due at the time of registration. The registration fee is non-refundable and non-transferable. If the registration fee is paid online, a processing fee will be added.

  • Tuition

    • 3 Days/Week (3 and 4 yr old): $165 per month/$1,650 per year
    • 5 Days/Week (3 and 4 yr old): $190 per month/$1,900 per year
    • 5 Days/Week (5 yr old): $205 per month/$1,2050 per year
    • Lunch Bunch (Mondays and Wednesdays) $35/1 Day and $70/2 Days
    • MDO After-School Care (Tuesdays and Thursdays) $35/1 Day and $70/2 Days

    The total yearly tuition is divided into ten equal payments to be made August-May. 

  • Supplies

    A $75.00 supply fee is paid with August tuition. Parents must provide a lunch box and daily snack. A tote bag must be purchased from the school. T-shirts are also available, but not required.

Schedule, Eligibility and Special Events

  • Classes Offered

    Age                                   Days



    3 Year Old (5 Day)          Monday-Friday 

    4 Year Old (3 Day)         Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday

    4 Year Old (5 Day)           Monday-Friday  


  • Eligibility

    A child must be the age of his class on or before September 1 of the year for which he is being enrolled.

  • Schedule

    Hours: 8:15 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

    Early Care: 7:15 a.m. - 8:15 a.m.

    Lunch Bunch or Mom's Day Out: Monday-Thursday | 12:00 - 2:30 p.m.

  • Chapel

    We attend Chapel each Wednesday. It is led by a member of our staff who will share a Bible story. Music time is included.

  • School Pictures

    Individual school pictures are made in the fall, and class pictures are made in February-March. Kindergarten (5 year) students also have individual cap and gown pictures made in February.

  • Field Trips

    Many field trips are planned throughout the year. Parents are invited to accompany the children and help provide transportation.

Early Care, Lunch Bunch, MDO After-School Care

  • Early Care

    We have two childcare workers available from 7:15 a.m. - 8:15 a.m. for those who need to leave their child earlier than the regular 8:15 a.m. drop off time. This service is available for $3.00 per day and may be used regularly or on a drop-in basis.

  • Lunch Bunch and MDO After-School Care

    An extended day is available from Monday through Thursday. On Mondays and Wednesdays, a child may attend Lunch Bunch which is staffed by FBC Kindergarten teachers. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, a child may attend Mom's Day Out After-School Care. 

    Arrangements must be made directly with the Mom's Day Out Director to participate in MDO After-School Care. Pick up for both programs is 2:15 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Lunch Bunch is $35 for one day per week and $70 for two days per week. Mom’s Day Out After-School Care is also $35 for one day per week and $70 for two days per week. To sign up for Mom's Day Out After-School Care, please fill out the After School Registration Form.

2025-2026 Registration and Information Forms

Registration for the 2025-2026 school year will open on February 3 for FBCP members and FBPK families. Registration opens to the public on February 12. Forms are available in the kindergarten office or online below. Please read the General Requirements and Information before completing a registration form.

The $75 registration fee can be paid online or in person at the FBPK office. Please do not pay the registration fee if you are registering for a class waitlist.

General Requirements and Information

1. Children must reach the indicated age on or before September 1, 2025.

2. All children must be potty trained and able to take care of personal hygiene needs.

3. An Alabama immunization certificate (IMM50) must be on file by September 1.

4. A $75.00 non-refundable, non-transferable registration fee must accompany the registration form.

5. This registration fee will hold your place for 2025-2026.

6. Tuition is a set amount for the year. It is divided into ten equal payments paid August – May. No adjustments are made for days school is not in session or for absences. A 10% discount on monthly tuition will be given for two or more children from the same immediate family.

7. The August tuition payment must be received by July 15, 2025 or at time of registration if after July 15, for your child to be placed on a class list.

8. Upon our receipt of your registration form and fee, you will receive an acknowledgment card in the mail within ten days. In June, you will receive a letter that includes first day of school information and other important information about the start of school. You will receive an additional letter in August with the name of your child's teacher and a class roster.

9. Our first day of school has not been determined. The exact date will be established once the Autauga County Board of Education sets its calendar and you will be notified in June.

10. If your plans for the 2025-2026 year change, please let us know as soon as possible.

fbpk 2025-2026 online registration fbpk 2025-2026 pdf registration pay 2025-2026 registration fee

2025-2026 Tuition Payment

Pay 2025-2025 Tuition

Withdrawal Form

If you wish to withdraw your child, please complete the online form, or you can request a form from the FBPK office via Heather Jolley.

Meet our FBPK Director

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